Friday, September 5, 2008

Tepung Pelita Perantau

Perantau? hahaha..two reasons for that (i) for those who live outside Malaysia where Daun Pisang is a rare species or never heard of (ii) for those who like tepung pelita, but tak betah nak buat, but still suka makan - hence this simple recipe. Been searching for this recipe from various sites and blogs, so what you see here below is the combination of all those tips given.

Its yummy, easy to prepare, there are two ways to do it. Either way - is simple. Just the way I like it.



4 cawan tepung beras
5 cawan air
1 1/2 cawan gula
4 cawan santan (dari satu biji kelapa - what I normally do is, amik je dari santan kotak harmuni)
5 helai Daun pandan - blend untuk dapatkan airnya (kalau nak shortcut lagi, use the pandan emulco, tapi tak sama wangi nyer)
Sedikit gula or air gula
4 sudu besar tepung beras (sukatan sudu rata)

Cara membuat (1) - without kukus (steam)

1. Gaul tepung beras, air, gula dan air pandan hingga sebati. Masukkan ke dalam periuk dan panaskan di atas api sehingga pekat. This will be your bahan A.

2. Kuar santan dan 4 sudu tepung beras hingga sebati. Masukkan garam. Jangan malu nak taburkan garam, because the more the garam, semakin lemak lah rasa santan itu. Err..but not too much macam buat ikan masin la pulak. Masak atas api sederhana sehingga pekat. This will be your bahan B.

3. Sedia kan acuan. Lagi comel lagi elok so that bebudak suka makan. Orang tua pun suka tengok. For first timers, acuan ni memainkan peranan penting, kena cari yang cute cute, so that bila tak berapa jadi, at least, orang kata...cantiknye you buat..heheheh..

4. Masukkan air gula sedikit dalam tiap tiap acuan. Selepas itu, tuangkan atau sudukan Bahan A dalam tiap tiap acuan, ratakan - diikuti bahan B di atas nya. Sejukkan.

Cara Membuat (2) - Kukus - (My personal preference sebab kuihnya jadi lembut dan lemak)

1. Bahan A hendaklah di biarkan tanpa di masak di atas api.

2. Taburkan gula di dalam acuan, or kalau rajin, tuangkan air gula yang telah di masak (you know, those brownish air gula..).

3. Tuangkan Bahan A dalam acuan - dan kukus sehingga pekat atau masak. (err..sebelum nak kukus tu, ensure air kukusan dah mendidih terlebih dahulu.)

4. Tuangkan Bahan B di atas bahan A yang telah masak tadi. Kukus sehingga pekat.

5. Siap untuk di hidang dan dijamu selera.

Personally, I prefer the kukus way because lagi lembut but it takes longer time. The pics above shows Recipe A (without the kukus).



Madam Tai Tai Again said...


Air gula brownish? Gula melaka ke? Or just normal air gula? Sorry kena tanya sebab tak pandai.

This looks easy..but got to raid my pantry kalau masih ada tepung beras. Thanks!

Waterlily said...

Not gula melaka, sorry for being too ambiguous. Just the normal white sugar will do. Heat with water until it turn brownish. If you try this one, you have to do it fast because it will turn hard very fast too. So pour this air gula in the molds right after it has melted and turned brownish. It will harden in the acuan - but thats ok, coz it will melt once you steam the other batter.

Ermm...if you are opting for steam alternative, why dont you just pour 1 teaspoon in the mould, it will turn out just nice.

Waterlily said...


one word missing ..."if you are opting on the steam alternative (option 2), why dont you just pour 1 teaspoon of WHITE SUGAR in the mould / acuan, it will turn out just nice."

Nampa Auto Locksmith said...

Very nicce blog you have here