Saturday, September 13, 2008

Puding Roti Caramel

When I first laid my eyes on Puding Roti Caramel in Ms Hart's blog, I was immediately smittened. The fact that it uses bread heightened my curiosity as I am used to Cream Caramel, not Puding Roti Caramel.

We have another berbuka puasa invitation and terawih prayers tonite at one of our friends' house. I decided to make this Pudding as well as Bingka Labu.

In a rush now as I need to get ready the children and go to my friend's house in a couple of minutes time. I will post the recipe later tonite or tomorrow after sahur. Meantime, enjoy the pics.

A smaller portion of the Puding Roti Caramel, specially for Waterlily's In Da Kitchenz's blog. I understand that this recipe originates from KakHanieliza.

Updated 14 Sept 2008 @ 4.55am

Bahan - bahan:

Bahan A

1/2 cawan gula di masak sehingga keperangan dan di tuang didalam bekas/loyang yang telah dicalit butter.

Bahan B.

2 biji telur

1 buku roti (atau 10 keping roti gardenia)

2 sudu besar tepung kastad (sukatan rata)

1 tin susu cair (evaporated milk)

1 tin air buah fruit cocktail (peach or others)

1/2 cawan gula

1 sudu teh essen vanilla

Hiasan :

Fruit cocktail or peach

Cara Membuat :

1. Panaskan kukusan

2. Blend semua bahan B (kecuali buahan dalam tin). Tapiskan dan masukkan kedalam bekas gula yang telah dimasak tadi.

3. Tutup dengan cling film.

4. Kukus sehingga masak or 30 minutes whichever is sooner.

5. Setelah masak, masuk dalam peti sejuk .

6. Untuk menghias - terbalikkan kedalam pinggan, dan susun fruit cocktail mengikut citarasa sendiri.

Selamat mencuba!